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Genesis Developer Docs

Genesis Featured Images

Requires Genesis 3.1.0+

Output featured images on selected post types #

The genesis-singular-images post type support enables output of featured images and adds Customizer options to show images on supported post types.

Add support for each post type like this:

add_post_type_support( 'post', 'genesis-singular-images' );
add_post_type_support( 'page', 'genesis-singular-images' );

When adding genesis-singular-images post type support to a post type other than 'post' or 'page', you must also add custom-fields support to your custom post type:

add_post_type_support( 'your-type', 'custom-fields' );

This ensures the “hide featured image” option appears in the Genesis editor sidebar when editing your post type.

Adding genesis-singular-images support results in these options in the Customizer at Theme Settings → Singular Content:

Customizer options showing checkboxes to display images on posts and pages.

For entries using the block editor, users also gain an option in the Genesis sidebar to hide images in the Genesis editor sidebar:

Genesis sidebar in the WordPress block editor showing the Images panel that allows users to hide featured images for the current entry.

Change the image output position #

When each “show featured images” option is checked, Genesis will output the images for you via the genesis_entry_content hook. Adjust the image output position like this:

remove_action( 'genesis_entry_content', 'genesis_do_singular_image', 8 );
add_action( 'genesis_[your_choice]', 'genesis_do_singular_image' );

Change the image size #

Images use the archive image size from Theme Settings → Content Archive → Featured Image Size by default. Theme developers can set a default image size for all singular featured images by adding a custom image size to their theme:

add_image_size( 'genesis-singular-images', 200, 300, true );

And override that for specific post types:

add_image_size( 'genesis-singular-image-[type]', 600, 300, true );

A genesis_singular_image_size filter is available to override the image size.