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Genesis Developer Docs

Genesis REST API

Requires Genesis 3.1.0+

Genesis exposes meta data and settings to the WordPress REST API.

Genesis post meta #

For post types with custom-fields support, Genesis exposes the title toggle, breadcrumbs toggle, featured image display status, layout, and body and post custom classes under the meta key in the posts endpoint:

> curl[id]

"meta": {
"_genesis_hide_title": false,
"_genesis_hide_breadcrumbs": false,
"_genesis_hide_singular_image": false,
"_genesis_hide_footer_widgets": false,
"_genesis_custom_body_class": "",
"_genesis_custom_post_class": "",
"_genesis_layout": "full-width-content"

Genesis layouts #

Access the supported layouts for the currently active theme via the Genesis layouts endpoint:

> curl
"content-sidebar": {
"label": "Content, Primary Sidebar",
"img": "",
"type": ["site"],
"default": true
"sidebar-content": {
"label": "Primary Sidebar, Content",
"img": "",
"type": ["site"],
"default": false
"full-width-content": {
"label": "Full Width Content",
"img": "",
"type": ["site"]

Some Genesis sites may register layouts for specific page types or IDs:

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'custom_page_layouts' );
* Register custom Genesis layouts.

function custom_page_layouts() {
// A layout that will be selectable on 'singular' types only.
'label' => __( 'Singular', 'custom' ),
'img' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/images/singular-layout.png',
'type' => [ 'singular' ],

// A layout that will be selectable on page 99 only.
'label' => __( 'Page 99', 'custom' ),
'img' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/images/page-99-layout.png',
'type' => [ 'page-99' ],

Request layouts for the singular type:

> curl 
"test-singular-layout": {
"label": "Singular Layout",
"img": "",
"type": [

Or layouts registered for a specific page ID:

> curl 
"test-page-99": {
"label": "Test Layout",
"img": "",
"type": [

Requests for page type or ID will fall back to 'site' if no matching ID or type specific layouts have been registered.

You can make a single request for multiple layout types. This request asks for a 'page-99' layout, falling back to 'page' if no 'page-99' layout exists, falling back to 'site' if no 'page' layout exists:

> curl,page,99 

Genesis singular images #

Get post types with genesis-singular-images support enabled and active:

> curl

The absence of a post type denotes that genesis-singular-images support is not active for that type.

Genesis breadcrumbs #

Get breadcrumbs options that are enabled:

> curl

The values match the key for each breadcrumb toggle setting displayed in the Customizer.

The absence of a key denotes that breadcrumbs are not currently enabled for that area.